Wednesday, January 8, 2014

New Latitude, Bad Attitude....

Well we have moved yet again...this one is definitely NOT a place we will permanently reside ;(

I had hoped in the beginning it would be a lets make this fun and flip this place...then the nightmares we are now on contractor #3, hopefully a better situation.... we have the hole from hell in there....gutted a bathroom to the studs, circa 1970 insulation...old and definitely useless! Wiring shot beyond imagination, house open from the roof to the basement!!! Good Lord just dont let this place catch fire with us in it!
Rupert has terrible allergies here so he surely hates it.....Sean PTSD....UGGG....Me, Just waiting to get farther compass is surely off here.

I started a new job, surely it could have NOT been more of a shock.....hateful attitude by most all and funny part is the supervisor seems good with it...eee gads....all I can say. I am taking all education with outside entities for the apathy here is easily jading. I would hate to imagine how long before I become hard down here. I am much better suited for a different area so I do not get sucked in......ever!!

Well the positives...we have a new baby.....Scooby Doo the weim mix...Sinead loves him...its "Her Scooby"

So on that front life is good...Sinead is a breath of fresh air....she has gone from carpet crawler to gymnast extraordinaire! A pure picture of life in motion not wanting to miss a second yet every once in a while so sweet and will slow down for a simple hug. absolutely the most amazing child God surely didn't miss a smile upon our hearts with this one...she never ceases to amaze me in how sweet she is...just in how many ways she can show it.