Saturday, February 15, 2014

RIP Baby E

So  2 years ago we lost one, I have a particular disdain for Valentines Day now as it only represents that loss....I have great love for my family but that pain is particular and very fresh in my heart still....the saying time heals...well I suppose more is needed when it was your child.

Friday, February 14, 2014

Momma Goals

Start swimming once a week
Start Gymnastics
Look at Pre-K

Season of the Witch

So work has continued on quite the venture, Docs behaving badly (more trifling behavior) I see now that even if the super could change things she is enmeshed way beyond that....sooo I am looking at this as a venture in maintaining a positive attitude and keeping "MY" slate clean. I am shocked and to some extent insulted at how nonchalant some people are about the care they give....or in this case that they chart given then meander on.....such a sad state. If you were to step up you would be slaughtered in your stance.....Make no mistake these people have worked quite hard at the "illusion of hard work" Looking busy, sounding important....just ugly.

Tomorrow I go back.....after these last few days off I am still tired and weary.....I think its just part and parcel anymore....soon lives pastures will green up a tad hopefully it won't be from BS on the ground!

On a family note...Scooby is NUTZ!! Sinead is just so adorable in her every being that I am just so happy when I see that smiling face!  I miss her so much while away and find I have a harder time now...Stay at Home Mom is the hardest and most rewarding job ever....and I do miss it. I hope it can be restarted sometime soon. I see so much that I would tackle.

Well it was my turn to make life changes happen for sure.